Inter­na­tion­al camp in Garbolovo

Dates: July 16 — July 30, 2018
Main leader: Anastasiya Kovtun
16 July 2018

Today was the shortest day of the camp. Chil­dren were com­ing dur­ing the whole day and were still arriv­ing. There was enough time for rest and gaining …

17 July 2018

The day star­ted with morn­ing exer­cises, but not so many people liked them. Then there were classes. In some classes there were exams and in the rest …

18 July 2018

The day star­ted with morn­ing exer­cises, where we dance along­side every­one, and they were okay. About the les­sons, the first day of Math­em­at­ics was a …

19 July 2018

As usu­al, the day star­ted with morn­ing exer­cises, in which we all had fol­low the lead­er in games destined to pro­mote skills such as coordin­a­tion and …

20 July 2018

Today has been a won­der­ful and excit­ing day. In the morn­ing, after our excer­cise we had break­fast and then were informed of the day’s activ­it­ies.

21 July 2018

The day was rainy but our mood was shiny because the main top­ics of the day were friend­ship and com­mu­nic­a­tion. The classes were excel­lent, as always. …

22 July 2018

Today was a great day from the start. As always, we woke up to do the morn­ing exer­cises, were we had fun play­ing some games and dan­cing. Then, we had …

23 July 2018

As always morn­ing star­ted with fun, exer­cises, loud music and fant­ast­ic mood. Then every­one enjoyed break­fast and people divided into two groups — …

24 July 2018

Today we had an excur­sion to Saint Peters­burg, spe­cific­ally to the «Laber­intUm». It was so funny and inter­est­ing, curi­ous and impress­ive, we learned …

25 July 2018

Morn­ing in the FDI as usu­al star­ted with exer­cises. After them par­ti­cipants of the camp went to their pro­files in order to improve their knowledge …

26 July 2018

Today we woke up later than usu­al, and we really appre­ci­ate that. We really missed morn­ing exer­cises. What a pity! The meet­ing with the heart-moving …

27 July 2018

Today was a spe­cial day not like the oth­ers. The morn­ing began with the act­ive sport game, which we played yes­ter­day. Pro­files were short­er than …



Inter­na­tion­al camp FdI-2018

14–18 years old stu­dents from all over the world are invited to take part in the 7th inter­na­tion­al ses­sion of the Multi-disciplinary …