Inter­na­tion­al camp in Garbolovo

July 20, 2018

Today has been a won­der­ful and excit­ing day. In the morn­ing, after our excer­cise we had break­fast and then were informed of the day’s activities.

After the classes we had lunch and then some of us played foot­ball, vol­ley­ball, boardgames or a music­al related game. After this we gathered in teams and par­ti­cip­ated in a group quiz. Dur­ing the quiz the teams tried their hard­est to answer the ques­tions that were giv­en to the team and in that way com­peted with the oth­ers. Before sup­per we organ­ized an anti-stero­type game in order to break cer­tain con­cepts and per­cep­tions that indi­vidu­als obtain from people at first glance. To con­tin­ue we had sup­per and later went  to present the anti-ste­reo­type game to oth­er groups.

Lastly we had the even­ing lights where we all con­nec­ted on a more per­son­al and deep level and later went to bed with sweet thoughts and a ready mind for the next day.

Sebasti­an Iac­ovino, Jaime Gomez

International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo