Inter­na­tion­al camp in Garbolovo

July 17, 2018

The day star­ted with morn­ing exer­cises, but not so many people liked them. Then there were classes. In some classes there were exams and in the rest of the classes there were some inter­est­ing top­ics taught.

Then there was an activ­ity for choice. Many Span­ish guys wanted to play «Mafia» but in some time, they played Pic­tion­ary. Then the one who was sup­posed to guide them arrived, but nobody cared.

We also had a «path of trust». It helped to know each oth­er bet­ter and to trust ourselves. There was a per­form­ance after it where each group pre­ten­ded to be from a dif­fer­ent coun­try, greet­ing friends from oth­er places. Then our groups went to the even­ing candle. A per­fect day!

International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo