Inter­na­tion­al camp in Garbolovo

July 24, 2018

Today we had an excur­sion to Saint Peters­burg, spe­cific­ally to the «Laber­intUm». It was so funny and inter­est­ing, curi­ous and impress­ive, we learned some­thing new about phys­ics, chem­istry and sci­ence in gen­er­al. We saw some expire­ments, that were for example some explo­sions but always with safe as first priority.

We went to the Her­mit­age. Well, at the begin­ning I don’t have any idea for what it’s about but when we got in, the guide tell us the whole story and who’s liv­ing there, it’s was amaz­ing because we also saw many objects by malachite as you can see in the photo and so many paint­ing that was inter­est­ing to see what’s got in there. I like this new experience.

Also today we vis­ited the Peter and Paul Fort­ress. On the tour we’ve learned a lot about the events of the time of imper­i­al Russia.

Vis­ited the Museum of Astro­naut­ics, where they told us about the lives of people on the ISS and the install­a­tion of missiles.

International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo