Inter­na­tion­al camp in Garbolovo

July 27, 2018

Today was a spe­cial day not like the oth­ers. The morn­ing began with the act­ive sport game, which we played yes­ter­day. Pro­files were short­er than usu­al for one hour, and dur­ing the day the camp was empty, because most of the chil­dren after classes went on a Excur­sion to St. Petersburg.

Before lunch, we played the intel­lec­tu­al game Change my mind. It was inter­est­ing. The atmo­sphere was a bit lazy and sleepy.

After lunch we had a great oppor­tun­ity to swim in the lake. It was fun and very cool.

So today we played an intel­li­gent game. The debate was excit­ing , every­one could Express their pos­i­tion on some top­ic. There was ten­sion in the air.

After was role-play­ing game mono­poly. It was exit­ing and very fun. We could work in dif­fer­ent depart­ments, earn money, start a busi­ness. The game ended with an auc­tion, where you can buy «unique fea­tures» — «Fairytale from the lead­er», «Break­fast in bed», etc.

In the even­ing there was a small but very cozy circle of unity.

The day ended with a warm even­ing light. We ana­lyzed the day and star­ted get­ting ready for bed.

It’s sad to real­ize that there are two days left and the shift is over…