Inter­na­tion­al camp in Garbolovo

July 23, 2018

As always morn­ing star­ted with fun, exer­cises, loud music and fant­ast­ic mood. Then every­one enjoyed break­fast and people divided into two groups — ones who ate por­ridge and ones who ate corns. We had two bene­fi­cial lec­tures about train­ing brain and syn­thes­is of min­er­als. We could play foot­ball, vol­ley­ball and so on dur­ing activ­ity of choice. We all tried to find the truth while the sport game and bal­anced some cups on our heads, played «cheharda» and finally man­aged to pass all the sta­tions. Every­one without an excep­tion loved the role game and con­sidered it to be the best one.

In the end it was con­cluded that the truth would save the world.

International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo