Inter­na­tion­al camp in Garbolovo

July 26, 2018

Today we woke up later than usu­al, and we really appre­ci­ate that. We really missed morn­ing exer­cises. What a pity! The meet­ing with the heart-mov­ing com­rades of Ore­hovo, who taught us that hyp­nosis is not fake, was a really emo­tion­al, as we man­aged to meet people from oth­er coun­tries and make new friends. The morn­ing game was really act­ive and helped us wake up, as lots of us were lazy today. After that, most of us star­ted solv­ing math and lin­guist­ic prob­lems. Every­one cooper­ated and learnt a lot from each oth­er, while hav­ing fun doing maths. The lunch was alright, in part because Ore­hovo camp was here, and they wanted to give them a good impres­sion. The Prob­lem Dis­cus­sion was the most enga­ging part, with mind-exer­cise prob­lems and really clev­er solu­tions. Through­out the dis­cus­sion every­one fought for tick­ets from the pub­lic, while rep­res­ent­ing some sub­ject such as his­tory, geo­logy, art and music. Fol­low­ing sup­per, every­one dressed as smart as they could (some people even wore san­dals with socks) and headed to the big sum­mer­house, which for one day was con­ver­ted into a disco. Moreover, every­one had fun, and some people even found a dan­cing part­ner. While singing in the mag­ni­fi­cent Circle of Unity, the chief lead­er even sprayed mos­quito repel­lent, which was not well received by our noses and every­one star­ted chok­ing. After doing the ana­lys­is of the day at the even­ing candle, every­one headed to their rooms in order to pre­pare for sleep­ing. Over­all we were really happy with the day.

International camp in Garbolovo