2023 — 2024: Physics

School stu­dents of grades 8–11 from Rus­sia and of equi­val­ent grades from all over the world are invited to participate.

Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the com­pet­i­tion is free. All school stu­dents can take part in the qual­i­fy­ing round and the win­ners of it are invited to the final round. Win­ners of the pre­vi­ous Olympi­ad (with dip­lo­mas of any degree) are also invited dir­ectly to the finals.

Olympiad’s organ­izers

The Olympi­ad 2023/24 is organ­ized by

State Mar­ine Tech­nic­al University

Saint Peters­burg Elec­tro­tech­nic­al Uni­ver­sity «LETI»

Balt­ic State Tech­nic­al Uni­ver­sity ‘Voen­meh’ named after D. F. Ustinov

Con­tact us

You can send your ques­tions by e‑mail olimp.​phys@​formulo.​org.

Current status: The final round results are published. Information about the awards ceremony will be published soon.

Chronology of events

All the news about the Olympiad are posted below from newest to oldest.

Final Res­ults

April 13, 2024

We are pub­lish­ing the pro­tocol of the final stage.

We also apply a table of points for vari­ous degrees of diplomas:


Dip­loma of the 1st degreeDip­loma of the 2nd degreeDip­loma of the 3rd degree


Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the final stage

April 3, 2024

Good even­ing!

Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the final stage became avail­able in per­son­al accounts. The pre­lim­in­ary pro­tocol for the final stage is pub­lished below.

No later than April 9, you can file an appeal (in your per­son­al account). Decisions on dip­lo­mas will be made after appeals have been processed.

You can request your work from the jury by email solv.​phys@​formulo.​org (requests via the organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee email will not be con­sidered). Requests for work will be accep­ted from tomor­row until April 6 inclus­ive. Please note that the jury does not answer ques­tions, but only sends the work. You can ask all ques­tions in your per­son­al account when fil­ing an appeal.

In the sub­ject line of the let­ter write: “Job Request”; in the let­ter itself you need to indic­ate the city (where the work was writ­ten), class and par­ti­cipant code. Without this data, the work will not be sent.

Please note that the work will be sent to you with­in 24 hours from the date of your request.

We also attach solu­tions to the tasks:

Regis­tra­tion for the final round

February 21, 2024

Dear par­ti­cipants!

Regis­tra­tion is open for the final round of the Olympi­ad, which will be held on March 3 from 10 to 14 loc­al time (In some regions, the time may dif­fer, the exact inform­a­tion can be found in the list of sites in your per­son­al account. The time in the inform­a­tion sys­tem is Moscow. We recom­mend check­ing the inform­a­tion a couple of days in advance before the Olympics, since the organ­izers can adjust the start time of the Olympics).

To select a site in your per­son­al account you need:
1) go to the “Olympi­ads” section;
2) find the Olympi­ad “Phys­ics 2023–24” in the Olympi­ads table;
3) click the green ‘Open’ but­ton under the words ‘Final stage’ next to your class number;
4) check the box next to the appro­pri­ate site.

If you have not fully entered the per­son­al data required to par­ti­cip­ate, the sys­tem will prompt you to do so.

If you do not see the win­dow for regis­ter­ing for the final stage, write to isys@​formulo.​org.

On the page with a list of sites at the top you will see your par­ti­cipant code; write it down and take it with you to the Olympics. The code must be indic­ated on each page of your Olympi­ad work. We also advise you to write down the organizer’s phone num­ber (avail­able in the site description).

We recom­mend arriv­ing at the selec­ted site 10–15 minutes before the spe­cified time to find the right room. You need to have an iden­ti­fic­a­tion doc­u­ment with you, as well as blank A4 paper. Dur­ing the Olympi­ad, you must not use tele­phones or oth­er means of communication.

Regis­tra­tion will be open until Feb­ru­ary 28, 2024 inclusive.

❗ Par­ti­cipants from Bel­gorod will have the oppor­tun­ity to write the final stage remotely; we will send you instruc­tions later in person.

Date of final round

January 24, 2024

Dear par­ti­cipants!
The organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee agreed on the date of the final (in-per­son) round.

The Phys­ics Olympi­ad will be held on March 3, 2024.

Inform­a­tion about ven­ues and regis­tra­tion will be avail­able later.

Please stay tuned for updates.

Res­ults of the qual­i­fy­ing round

December 29, 2023

Dear par­ti­cipants!

Indi­vidu­al res­ults are avail­able in per­son­al accounts of our Inform­a­tion sys­tem. The par­ti­cipants who reached the threshold score will be invited to the final round.

And in the pro­tocol of the qual­i­fy­ing round:

If you do not see your­self in the pro­tocol, this means that you have not yet filled out the neces­sary per­son­al data in your per­son­al account.
The points for passing to the final round by class are as follows:





22 points

19 points

19 points

35 points

Fol­low the updates on the web­site. Inform­a­tion about the date and ven­ues will appear in 2024.

Organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee address: olimp.​phys@​formulo.​org.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the final­ists and see you at the final stage!

Mes­sage from the organ­iz­ing committee

December 20, 2023

Appeals are accep­ted by email to the organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee olimp.​phys@​formulo.​org until 23:00 Decem­ber 22 (Moscow time) .

The sub­ject of the let­ter is «Appeal».

In the text you must indic­ate your full name, class and jus­ti­fy why you disagree.

Please note that the task for which you are appeal­ing is rechecked, not all work.

Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the qual­i­fy­ing round

December 18, 2023

Dear par­ti­cipants, the pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the qual­i­fy­ing round have been pub­lished. The res­ults can be viewed in your per­son­al account.

The points for passing to the final round by class are as follows:





20 points

19 points

19 points

35 points

For all ques­tions, you can write to the organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee email

Prob­lem solutions

November 21, 2023

Here are the answers to the tasks of the qual­i­fy­ing round of the Olympi­ad. We remind you that accord­ing to the reg­u­la­tions, the res­ults will be pub­lished before Decem­ber 31, 2023. Fol­low the updates on the website.

Thank you for par­ti­cip­at­ing in the qual­i­fy­ing round

November 12, 2023

Res­ults will be pub­lished by Decem­ber 31, 2023.

Mes­sage from the organ­iz­ing committee

November 10, 2023

The organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee has resolved the prob­lem and account regis­tra­tion is avail­able again.

A regis­tra­tion code is not required to cre­ate a new account.

To restore an already cre­ated per­son­al account, write to tech­nic­al sup­port: isys@​formulo.​org, a response to your requests may take some time.

We kindly ask you not to cre­ate new regis­tra­tions if you already have an account.

Mes­sage from the organ­iz­ing committee

November 10, 2023

We inform you that regis­tra­tion is tem­por­ar­ily unavail­able due to a large num­ber of incor­rect email addresses. Stay tuned for updates on the Olympi­ads pages.

Update from the Olympi­ad Organ­iz­ing Committee

November 7, 2023

The organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee has decided to extend the qual­i­fy­ing round by 1 day. Solu­tions must be sub­mit­ted by 23:59:59 UTC on Novem­ber 11, 2023 (which is 02:59:59 Moscow time on Novem­ber 12).

Unless oth­er­wise spe­cified, please provide answers in SI units. Unless oth­er­wise stated in the task, the accur­acy of the answers must cor­res­pond to the accur­acy of the para­met­ers in the tasks and the attached tables.

Start of the qual­i­fy­ing round

October 19, 2023

Here is the qual­i­fy­ing (remote) round of the competition.

Please remem­ber that your solu­tion of every prob­lem should include not only the right answer, but the full reas­on­ing as well.

We will be happy if your friends who like math­em­at­ics also par­ti­cip­ate. How­ever, every assign­ment should be done indi­vidu­ally; oth­er­wise, your sub­mis­sion will not be considered.

The win­ners of Olympi­ad 2022/23 (those with Dip­lo­mas I‑III) can par­ti­cip­ate dir­ectly in the final round.


The qual­i­fy­ing round is tra­di­tion­ally held for stu­dents in grades 8–11 in a test format: for each task, you only need to enter the answer, which is either a num­ber or a let­ter. In some tasks, the answer may be a for­mula or the answer «no solu­tion».


How to sub­mit solutions

To par­ti­cip­ate in the «For­mula of Unity» / «Third Mil­len­ni­um» 2023/24 phys­ics olympi­ad, it is neces­sary to sub­mit solu­tion by the dead­line of 23:59:59 UTC on Novem­ber 10, 2023 (which is 02:59:59 Moscow time on Novem­ber 11). Please register in our inform­a­tion sys­tem and sub­mit your solu­tions through the per­son­al account. Import­ant: if you already have an account, there is no need to cre­ate a new one.

Be sure to read the par­ti­cip­a­tion instructions.

We do not accept qual­i­fy­ing round works in any way oth­er than through upload­ing with­in the inform­a­tion system.


All ques­tions to the Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee about the prob­lem con­di­tions and the pro­ced­ure for con­duct­ing the Olympi­ad can be asked by email olimp@​formulo.​org or +7(981)-750–19-21 Alex­an­dra (write in What­s­app or Telegram).

Ques­tions about the oper­a­tion of the inform­a­tion sys­tem can be asked by email isys@​formulo.​org.

Inter­na­tion­al Olympi­ad «For­mula of Unity» / «The Third Mil­len­ni­um» opens a new season!

August 28, 2023

The Olympi­ad is held in two stages, the first of which (qual­i­fy­ing) takes place in the fall, and the second (final) — in February/​March.

  • The qual­i­fy­ing stage is held in absen­tia with the use of dis­tance learn­ing technologies.

Dates of the cor­res­pond­ence stages of the Olympiads:
Math­em­at­ics: 20.10.23 — 10.11.23
Phys­ics: 20.10.23 — 10.11.23
Eng­lish lan­guage: 20.10.23 — 13.11.23

  • The final stage is held (usu­ally) in per­son at region­al venues.

To par­ti­cip­ate, you need to register in our inform­a­tion sys­tem. And then on the day of the start of the Olympi­ad (20.10.23), all the neces­sary inform­a­tion, will be sent by e‑mail.

The win­ners of the Olympi­ad receive a pref­er­en­tial tick­et to the edu­ca­tion­al camps «For­mula of Unity».

Also, all inform­a­tion about the Olympi­ad can be found on the offi­cial page on the portal olimpi​ada​.ru.

Note that only coun­tries where Eng­lish is not one of the offi­cial lan­guages can par­ti­cip­ate in the Eng­lish Olympiad.


For more suc­cess­ful par­ti­cip­a­tion in the Olympi­ad, we recom­mend solv­ing the tasks of pre­vi­ous years and study­ing the recom­men­ded lit­er­at­ure. You can also pur­chase col­lec­tions of Olympi­ad tasks for the past years in paper form.