Inter­na­tion­al camp in Orekhovo

Dates: July 16 — July 30, 2018
Main leader: Anton Petrochenko

International camp in OrekhovoInter­na­tion­al sum­mer camp in Orek­hovo, which took place in July 16–30, 2018 was exper­i­ment­al in a way: that was a new ter­rit­ory for the «For­mulo de Inegreco» (we still miss the oppor­tun­ity to run out on the porch of the main build­ing and lose our breath from the incred­ible beauty of the pine forest and the lake), and the new format — a col­lab­or­at­ive work of inter­na­tion­al and Rus­si­an camps. Par­ti­cipants from Rus­si­an cit­ies (St. Peters­burg, Moscow, Pet­roza­vodsk, Mur­mansk, Kon­do­poga, Kur­sk, Krasnodar, etc.), Spain, France and Eng­land met in one com­mon place.

International camp in OrekhovoThe «queen of sci­ence» — math­em­at­ics — became the core sub­ject (pro­file) of the camp. Three math­em­at­ic­al groups worked sim­ul­tan­eously: 2 groups in Eng­lish and one in Rus­si­an. International camp in OrekhovoIn addi­tion, the Rus­si­an-speak­ing par­ti­cipants of the camp could choose oth­er classes: psy­cho­logy, phys­ics and soci­o­tech­nics (it was in Orek­hovo where this sub­ject started).

The addi­tion to the «pro­file classes fam­ily» inspired the par­ti­cipants and organ­izers to keep a soci­o­tech­nic­al tone through the entire camp, so the ques­tions were raised ser­i­ously, the dis­cus­sions were heated, and the decisions were rather dif­fi­cult some­times. International camp in OrekhovoBesides, the format of the shift brought up many ques­tions: how can people from dif­fer­ent cul­tures, who do not have a com­mon lan­guage, still speak the same lan­guage? How to notice and help each oth­er under­stand some­thing cor­rectly and not to miss any­thing in time? Each par­ti­cipant learned to stand on the pos­i­tion of anoth­er per­son and try to under­stand him (some­times without words).

International camp in OrekhovoIt may seem that the shift was very nerdy and ser­i­ous, but it wasn’t not that — try to just look through the pho­tos in the blog — how many smiles are there! International camp in OrekhovoThe shift was a The shift was a bit like a hol­i­day fest­iv­al (maybe it was the influ­ence of our guests?) — how many birth­days did we cel­eb­rate, what incen­di­ary even­ings were organ­ized (espe­cially that one with the cos­tumes, remem­ber?) Togeth­er we vis­ited the host­ess of a magic tav­ern, traveled to a com­plex but fas­cin­at­ing world of the future (this role-play­ing game las­ted more than four hours!), were in a rope park, listened to lec­tures on ocean­o­logy, archi­tec­ture and psy­cho­logy, vis­ited the museums of St. Peters­burg and walked along its sunny (!) streets, and also… All in all, you should have come with us, it was great!

International camp in Orekhovo

18 July 2018

We woke up at 8 in the morn­ing and got ready for the morn­ing exer­cise, to be fit and healthy for the day to come. Unusu­ally for us, we had to study …

19 July 2018

For someone it is nice to start a new day with a cup of hot cof­fee, but wait… We are in the «For­mula» now, and there is no place for ussu­al events! …

20 July 2018

Today was anoth­er great day at For­mule. It star­ted with ener­giz­ing phys­ic­al exer­cises. Each edu­ca­tion­al class took place in its own indi­vidu­al way …

22 July 2018

Hello, good morn­ing! Come on, get up, we have to do exer­cises! Remem­ber, we are in For­mula!

When we fin­ished our exer­cise, we thought about …

23 July 2018

Today was a shiny and incred­ible day. We woke up and we went to the morn­ing excer­cise to start with a great morn­ing, run­ning and dan­cing to stress …

24 July 2018

This day began with good news, we have a day off. As it is sup­posed to be a day off, it was filled with all kinds of enter­tain­ment. First we went to …

25 July 2018

After an act­ive day off, we have no less act­ive morn­ing.

In many groups star­ted or already there were vari­ous games. For example, in our team «the …