Inter­na­tion­al camp in Orekhovo

July 23, 2018

Today was a shiny and incred­ible day. We woke up and we went to the morn­ing excer­cise to start with a great morn­ing, run­ning and dan­cing to stress out. Then, we went for a deli­cious break­fast. After eat­ing, we went to learn and solve some inter­est­ing math prob­lems with ours own teach­ers. Then, we can do awe­some things in our deal of choice time like go swim­ming, prac­ti­cing sports, or you just can relax. After our tasty lunch, we played a com­plex but very funny game in which we needed to think about the future of our cit­ies, so we need to make decisions to solve the prob­lems of our soci­ety. Finally, after the meal we went to the candle aciv­ity in which we passed a great moment.

Actu­ally, today was a great day, it was anoth­er amaz­ing day in the camp.

Andrés Fuentes

International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo