Inter­na­tion­al camp in Orekhovo

July 20, 2018

Today was anoth­er great day at For­mule. It star­ted with ener­giz­ing phys­ic­al exer­cises. Each edu­ca­tion­al class took place in its own indi­vidu­al way and left warmth and fatigue in the hearts of par­ti­cipants. After the classes we were able to move to anoth­er world, with the help of an excit­ing and act­ive game with oth­er teams, which helped all camp par­ti­cipants to show their cre­at­ive and sports poten­tial. After that, we for the first time in the his­tory of our camp stood at «Orly­at­sky circle» singing both in Eng­lish and Rus­si­an languages.

International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo