Inter­na­tion­al camp in Orekhovo

July 19, 2018

For someone it is nice to start a new day with a cup of hot cof­fee, but wait… We are in the «For­mula» now, and there is no place for ussu­al events! There­fore, we will start our morn­ing with the dance from the inter­na­tion­al group. Of course, this was the best start for the day, the theme of which is «my interests».

In any way, tal­ents need to devel­op, so after Break­fast we went to our classes. Today, the phys­ic­al and math classes was devoted to solv­ing vari­ous prob­lems of dif­fer­ent com­plex­ity. Attent­ive glances, tim­id move­ments of the pen on paper, act­ive dis­cus­sions, what will they do in order to find a solu­tion! In psy­cho­logy classes have been study­ing pro­ject­ive meth­od­o­logy, and soci­o­tech­nic sur­prised us with amaz­ing lec­tures. How­ever, we should not for­get about the rest, too, it is dif­fi­cult to ima­gine the pro­files without a pleas­ant break with friendly con­ver­sa­tions, jokes and deli­cious tea, too.

After classes and lunch, it is time to rest. Play­ing act­ive or board games, tak­ing part in the work of the theatre Stu­dio, draw­ing and much more activ­it­ies can be chosen in the «Deal of choice». The next event that awaited us was the «Kal­eido­scope of games». Each team took part in four game sta­tions: vol­ley­ball, foot­ball, the game «Take the flag» and, of course, Rus­si­an folk games. At each sta­tion, the teams com­peted with each oth­er, but, actu­ally, the main thing was not a vic­tory, but a good time in the circle of new friends. After that the first «song’s circles» was star­ted. It was the fant­ast­ic atmo­sphere with so heart­warm­ing songs.

Later star­ted the amaz­ing even­ing event, «Book of records», where every­body was able to show his or her «records» in sport or art. It is really hard to describe everything that happened dur­ing this night, but in any way it was amazing.

The day ended with a tra­di­tion­al «candle», where every­one could tell impres­sions of this day. We know that the next nine days will be unbe­liev­able and amazing!

International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo