Inter­na­tion­al camp in Orekhovo

July 22, 2018

Hello, good morn­ing! Come on, get up, we have to do exer­cises! Remem­ber, we are in Formula!

When we fin­ished our exer­cise, we thought about someone, who have taken our sched­ule. So we had to look for it, just before break­fast. One really good way to start the day.

Then we had 4 hours of math class, where we did some great exer­sices, which help us to under­stand more the Euc­ly­d’s algorithm.

After that we had lunch and then the roll of choice. We enjoyed play­ing table games with friends, also hav­ing a vol­ley­ball match, between one rus­si­an team and one inter­na­tion­al team, but some people pref­ered to swim at the lake.

After that we played a game that con­sist in mak­ing a road for a ping pong ball, with paper and it had to be longer than 10 metres. It all star­ted in a com­pet­i­tion, but at last we join forces to help the teams who couldn’t.

Then in our free time both inter­na­tion­al teams star­ted pre­par­ing their songs to the singing circle. Then we sang all the camp like a big fam­ily, rus­si­an par­ti­cipants sang eang­lish songs and inter­na­tion­al par­ti­cipants sang rus­si­an songs. When we fin­ish singing we went to the main build­ing, but we did­n’t knew for what.

We enter in the main build­ing and we saw a tav­ern in front of us, there you could take some juiсe and some­thing to eat. After that you could choose between play­ing table games, watch­ing a movie or paint­ing. We think that is help us to be more friends between us to be more friends between us.

International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo International camp in Orekhovo