The pro­ject-ori­ent­ing camp in Munich

August 1, 2018

1st August. Munich. 34° C.

This day star­ted unex­pec­tedly with an arriv­ing of the par­ti­cipants from Saint Peters­burg and Moscow (we have guys from Rus­sia, Ukraine, Ger­many and Spain). It is a small camp, but already really cozy one. It seems like if we were here already few weeks, but not only one day. After arriv­ing we had a bit free time for hav­ing the rest and then went to know Har­ras area bet­ter by the quest. It was really inter­est­ing to dis­cov­er this place for ourselves. Now we can be sure the we will not be lost here.

After all par­ti­cipants arriv­ing to GOROD we had a com­mon acquaint­ance with each oth­er and organ­izers of the camp and also saw the build­ing inside. Then we went to the West park for hav­ing com­mon candle there. It was really atmo­spher­ic to seat on the grass in the heart of the park and just talk with whole camp (even if it is only about 25 people).

This day is only the begin­ning of our Ger­man adven­ture, and it prom­ises to be really great one!

Leaders of the camp