Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the final stage

Good even­ing!

Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the final stage became avail­able in per­son­al accounts. The pre­lim­in­ary pro­tocol for the final stage is pub­lished below.

No later than April 9, you can file an appeal (in your per­son­al account). Decisions on dip­lo­mas will be made after appeals have been processed.

You can request your work from the jury by email solv.​phys@​formulo.​org (requests via the organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee email will not be con­sidered). Requests for work will be accep­ted from tomor­row until April 6 inclus­ive. Please note that the jury does not answer ques­tions, but only sends the work. You can ask all ques­tions in your per­son­al account when fil­ing an appeal.

In the sub­ject line of the let­ter write: “Job Request”; in the let­ter itself you need to indic­ate the city (where the work was writ­ten), class and par­ti­cipant code. Without this data, the work will not be sent.

Please note that the work will be sent to you with­in 24 hours from the date of your request.

We also attach solu­tions to the tasks: