Inter­na­tion­al camp

July 19, 2019

Today astro­nomers learned about basic con­cepts of astro­metry, revised stars’ names and con­stel­la­tions of the north­ern skies. Dur­ing the break they col­lided super­gi­ant stars and merged black holes.

Today in chem­istry we con­tin­ued to repeat fun­da­ment­als of inor­gan­ic chem­istry — chem­ic­al bonds and oxid­a­tion states, then from these top­ics we briefly dis­cussed the main points of the fur­ther pro­gram — we are going to study phys­ic­al chem­istry — reac­tion rate, thermal effects, cata­lys­is. And after we had a little dis­cus­sion about meth­ods of syn­thes­is of sub­stances based on their volatility.

The best exper­i­ences ever! The second part of the day we star­ted with «bill­board» in which we were respons­ible for tak­ing pho­tos of ourselves and then com­bin­ing them with oth­er groups. The res­ults were incredible!

Then we had an oppor­tun­ity to try everything. So we traveled to past,present and future. We learned how to com­mu­nic­ate with writing,listening and also with body lan­guage. After that we received a let­ter from the people from the past. They wanted our help and we helped them with theat­er of shad­ows in dif­fer­ent top­ics. Finally we ended our day with our candles…

International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp