Inter­na­tion­al camp

July 20, 2019

Equal­ity is one of the most pop­u­lar themes. For­mula camp has also joined the dis­cus­sion. But, as usu­al, we did it in our own style :)

But before that we went to our les­sons. Astro­nomers learned how to solve prob­lems about stars’ upper and lower cul­min­a­tions and made a pock­et mod­el of the Sol­ar system.

Math­em­aticians, as always, had solved a lot of prob­lems and learned new top­ics. And some of them even went out­side to role-play one super­hard logic problem :)

Chem­istry stu­dents stud­ied a lot, but the most inter­est­ing part was a big crys­tal, which they did a lot of funny things with.

Equal­ity was rep­res­en­ted using such activ­it­ies as a peace­ful demon­stra­tion, social drama and the ‘Jeff’ game. The whole thing caused dif­fer­ent emo­tions and the par­ti­cipants of FDI still con­tin­ue arguing about that.

The end of the day was quite unusu­al because of the Circle of Unity being after the even­ing lights! But it was quite short — tomor­row is the excur­sion day and we will have to get up earlier ;)

International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp