Inter­na­tion­al camp

July 24, 2017

Instead of writ­ing usu­al blog we decided to write sev­er­al opin­ions about what happened today.

This day was beau­ti­ful because the fash­ion com­pet­i­tion was great! I think our team was the fun­ni­est. Our pre­par­a­tion was hard but interesting.

Role game was the best one I ever played, at the begin­ning it was impossible to under­stand the rules, but after an hour it became OK. So this day was col­or­ful except for weather :(

I liked this day — it was great. Les­sons were inter­est­ing, I really enjoyed the lec­tion about math and sport. So this day was one of the most col­or­ful day from our session!

International camp
International camp