Inter­na­tion­al camp

July 23, 2017

The les­sons were, as usu­al, great and very inter­est­ing. Chal­len­ging math prob­lems, the inter­est­ing top­ic of bio­chem­istry, inspir­ing journ­al­ism speeches and very cool com­puter pro­grams. Besides every­body atten­ded a fun game the­ory lec­ture afterwards.
After lunch we had a deal of choice. Unfor­tu­nately, no one came to learn Rus­si­an. People, who played board games, vol­ley­ball or foot­ball, had fun.
The Mil­it­ary games were awe­some! We all togeth­er made a very good team and com­pleted all the challenges.
Today we had the first circle of eagles, so it was inter­est­ing and someone had a good exper­i­ence from this. We could not have put a bet­ter end to the day than a per­fect pic­nic near the lake. We were able to set our own fire and enjoy deli­cious food and conversations.

International camp
International camp
International camp
International camp
International camp
International camp
International camp