Inter­na­tion­al camp

July 22, 2017

Hello I am a blanket!

This won­der­ful day began with the won­der­ful morn­ing, one girl put me on because it was very cold out­side. Then we had morn­ing exer­cises with inter­est­ing games. Than every­one had break­fast with tra­di­tion­al Rus­si­an pan­cakes. After break­fast we had the start of the day. Every­body played really excit­ing game called «Hat».

Than we went to the les­sons. From the girl’s back I could see that guys from math­em­at­ics had tra­di­tion­al game called «Aba­cus». In this game you need to solve dif­fer­ent math­em­at­ics prob­lems of dif­fer­ent com­plic­a­tions. But then my own­er went to the journ­al­ism. And I could see that journ­al­ists had got really inter­est­ing lec­ture with a new teacher.

Then we went to the deal of choice, I had got Rus­si­an own­er and we went to learn Span­ish lan­guage. Then we went to the big foot­ball field with all groups and star­ted to play an unusu­al game called «Chess». It was really unusu­al because it was a sport game — all star­ted to run fast and it was very hot :) And my own­er left me on a grass :(

Then girl returned and put me on again. And we went to her group room and had really good time. After this time we had really tasty deli­cious din­ner with tra­di­tion­al Rus­si­an food. But I am a blanket and an for­tu­nately I could­n’t eat :(

Then we had a candle. And it was really inter­est­ing for me because I am blanket and have nev­er been on candles. After that my own­er put me on again and we went to sleep.

It was the greatest day in my inter­est­ing life :)

International camp
International camp
International camp