Inter­na­tion­al camp

July 21, 2017

All of you know me, but you did­n’t even have a thought that I’m observing your camp and also I’d like to tell you my story of 21st of July. I am the big table in the room of Gog gets potato. And here is one day of my life.

I woke up from the loud steps in the cor­ridor. The teach­er is com­ing, I know it, and the stu­dents will learn maths. I like when they solve good prob­lems on me, they’re always so excited when they suc­ceed, every­one can feel their emo­tions. The prob­lem they’re all solv­ing is easy to be done with only one pixel taken away, that’s amazing!

Dur­ing the deal of choice I had so much fun watch­ing the guys play­ing board games, but they talk so loud — I can­’t even hear my thoughts. Then every­one left me, but I know that they were play­ing The game of words — search­ing for words from dif­fer­ent lan­guages and mak­ing sen­tences with them.

Many new people came to Jeff. They were dis­cuss­ing con­tro­ver­sial and sig­ni­fic­ant state­ments. They did­n’t come to a com­prom­ise on if it is vital neces­sity to lie. These guys are good at mak­ing argu­ments. After all, my favor­ite group was singing and mak­ing cos­tumes for the show of songs. They had so much fun and the whole camp loved their per­form­ance. It’s such a pleas­ure to stay in their room. Then so many people star­ted to sing songs about friend­ship and union.

The day fin­ished and I fell asleep, it was a long day, but happy and inspiring.

International camp
International camp
International camp