Pre­lim­in­ary results

We pub­lish pre­lim­in­ary res­ults, solu­tions and cri­ter­ia for the prob­lems of the final stage:

Please note: in the pro­tocol, the res­ults of each class are loc­ated on a sep­ar­ate sheet.

No later than April 17, 11:59 pm Moscow time, par­ti­cipants can request their work and / or file an appeal (request to review the solu­tion to a spe­cif­ic prob­lem). To do this, you need to use the «Appeal» but­ton in the per­son­al account of the inform­a­tion sys­tem, indic­at­ing in the mes­sage wheth­er you need your work or you request a revi­sion of the res­ult. In the text, write “Solu­tions Request” or “Appeal” (indic­ate what you dis­agree with). Please note that it is the task you are appeal­ing for that is to be reviewed, not the entire work. As a res­ult of the appeal, your points for a solu­tion can either increase or decrease.

If you real­ize that your res­ults are miss­ing, please imme­di­ately inform the organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee at olimp@​formulo.​org.

At the moment, works from Tur­key have not been scored, we apo­lo­gize for this. Appeal dead­lines for par­ti­cipants from Tur­key will be extended.