Inform­a­tion about the second round

The second (final) round of the Olympi­ad «For­mula of Unity» / «The Third Mil­len­ni­um» 2013/14 is intra­mur­al. It will be held in a num­ber of places on Feb­ru­ary 26. The round will last for 4 hours.

Par­ti­cipants of the 2nd round include the win­ners of the first round as well as all those who received dip­lo­mas for win­ning in the Olympi­ad 2012/13 (lists were pub­lished earlier).

Rules of the 2nd round

  1. The offi­cial par­ti­cipants of the 2nd round include the win­ners of the 1st round as well as win­ners (i. e. those awar­ded with dip­lo­mas) of the Olympi­ads «For­mula of Unity» and «The Third Mil­len­ni­um» in the year 2012–13.
    «Out of com­pet­i­tion» par­ti­cipants can include:
    1. up to 4 stu­dents from an organ­iz­a­tion host­ing the 2nd round;
    2. all par­ti­cipants of the camps «For­mula of Unity»;
    3. any oth­er groups of stu­dents based on a pri­or agree­ment with the Organ­iz­ing Committee.
  2. The dur­a­tion of the 2nd round is 4 hours.
  3. The par­ti­cipants are to fill in a par­ti­cipant form they receive along with the prob­lems. They have to bring their pens and some vir­gin paper. Dur­ing the round, it is not allowed to use cal­cu­lat­ors, com­puters, mobile phones and oth­er com­mu­nic­a­tion tools.
  4. Since the date of the 2nd round var­ies among coun­tries, the Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee asks the par­ti­cipants and loc­al organ­izers no to pub­lish the prob­lems before Feb­ru­ary 16.
  5. The pre­lim­in­ary res­ults (for offi­cial par­ti­cipants and out of com­pet­i­tion par­ti­cipants from the groups «A» and «B») will be pub­lished before the end of Feb­ru­ary. The appeals (requests to recon­sider one’s solu­tions) can be sub­mit­ted with­in 2 days thereafter.
  6. The win­ners of the 2nd round from the offi­cial par­ti­cipants will be awar­ded by dip­lo­mas of the Olympi­ad winners.
    The win­ners of the 2nd round from the out of com­pet­i­tion par­ti­cipants will be awar­ded by dip­loma of the 2nd round winners.

Inform­a­tion for organ­iz­a­tions that host the 2nd round

  1. The Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee asks the loc­al organ­izers to ensure par­ti­cipants’ com­pli­ance with the rules. The time neces­sary to fill in the par­ti­cipant form is not included into 4 hours provided for solv­ing problems.
  2. The Olympi­ad papers are to be scanned and sent to fdi-​tmj@​formulo.​org not later than on the next day. The papers of par­ti­cipants of dif­fer­ent grades should be e‑mailed in sep­ar­ate mes­sages. Par­ti­cipant forms are to be e‑mailed along with the papers in the same mes­sages. The sub­jects of the mes­sages should include the words «Second round», the name of the host organ­iz­a­tion and the grade (R5, R6, etc).
  3. In case of any uncer­tainty, please con­tact the Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee by fdi@​imi.​ras.​ru.