Pre­lim­in­ary Final res­ults of the first round

Dear par­ti­cipants of the Olympiad,

The jury has essen­tially com­pleted eval­u­ation of the solu­tions of the 1st round (except for a few schools of Rus­sia and Ukraine). The max­im­al score for each prob­lem was 7 points. To pass to the 2nd round, it was suf­fi­cient to receive 18 points. (In some cases, the par­ti­cipants with scores 14 to 17 were also invited to the 2nd round.)

We pub­lish the list of par­ti­cipants of the 2nd round which will take place in the end of January:

The par­ti­cipants will be informed about the date and place in their coun­tries later.

Also, the win­ners (awar­ded with dip­lo­mas) of the pre­vi­ous Olympi­ads «For­mula of Unity» and «The Third Mil­len­ni­um» will be invited to the 2nd round.

We plan to dis­trib­ute per­son­al res­ults among loc­al organ­izers and indi­vidu­al par­ti­cipants by e‑mail before Janu­ary 12. In the case of dis­agree­ment with the per­sol­nal res­ults, the par­ti­cipants will have a week to request a recon­sid­er­a­tion of their works. If you (or your loc­al organ­izer) does not receive your res­ults by Janu­ary 12, please inform the jury imme­di­ately by e‑mail fdi-​tmj@​formulo.​org.