Inter­na­tion­al camp

July 21, 2019

Today we had a spe­cial day, we had a chance to meet Saint Peters­bur­g’s cul­ture. Each one of us had to choose a place to visit:

  1. Some went to the Winter Palace and the Her­mit­age Museum.
  2. Oth­ers went to the Rus­si­an State Museum and to the Spilled Blood Cathed­ral.
  3. Anoth­er group went to the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Fort­ress and they also went to the Aurora Battle­ship.
  4. Some oth­ers went to the Erarta museum of con­tem­por­ary arts and Vasilievskiy island.
  5. Anoth­er option was going to the Museum of Emo­tions and the mod­el of Saint Peters­burg.
  6. And finally, oth­ers could choose the option of going to the Grand Mod­el of Rus­sia.

After that we met all togeth­er for lunch and went for play­ing a game in our groups, where we hadto fol­low a map around the most import­ant places of the cen­ter of Saint-Peters­burg. In each place we had to solve a riddle related with the monu­ment nearby and write our solu­tions into a crossword.

When the game was over, every­one got so tired that after a quick vis­it to the shop we went back to the camp in order to have din­ner, hold short candles and go to bed…

International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp