Inter­na­tion­al camp

July 17, 2019

When we woke up, we were noti­fied by the dif­fer­ent lead­ers that there was exer­cise and then we go to breakfast.

Once we have break­fast, we headed to the Water­house where we were divided into the dif­fer­ent groups cor­res­pond­ing to the sub­jects of math, chem­istry and astronomy.

Today math pro­file star­ted with entrance olympi­ad, made to divide stu­dents due to their level. Prob­lems were well-pre­pared, and every­one found a prop­er chal­lenge for themselves.

First day of Chem­istry pro­file will be remembered by chil­dren because of rel­ev­ant and use­ful top­ics like radio­act­ive ele­ments and their usage at atom­ic powerplans.

Stu­dents who have chosen astro­nomy, at their first class were talk­ing about stars and celes­ti­al sphere, and were teached, how to use spher­ic coordin­ate sys­tem. Every­one enjoyed dis­cov­er­ing space objects on a big screen in a spe­cial app.

Then we headed to the Main Build­ing to lunch. Once already have eaten, we had the oppor­tun­ity to per­form one of the vari­ous sports activ­it­ies such as Vol­ley­ball, Foot­ball or board games.

Because of the rain, there were changes of plans, and we dec­or­ated our group, so two oth­er groups had an oppor­tun­ity to sug­gest a name for us (and so did we), one of which we should choose to be our group name.

Then we headed to the Water­house to start a game «Open Door», which was planned by the Duty Com­mand­ers. The agil­ity and integ­ra­tion of each group was meas­ured and dif­fer­ent chal­lenges were solved, like mov­ing a plastic glass with a band.

After this, we headed towards the Main Build­ing for the Supper.

For the Even­ing Deed we had pre­pared a mech­an­ism, so the oth­ers had to guess how it works, using both the name of the group and all the mem­bers’ names.

To sum up the day dur­ing Even­ing Lights we talked about the day’s theme «To be opened / To stay closed». Each one of us expressed our own thoughts about the top­ic in dif­fer­ent situations.

International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp