The pro­ject-ori­ent­ing camp in Munich

August 4, 2018

It was our fourth day in the camp, and it was an amaz­ing one. In the morn­ing we star­ted our trip to Tegernsee from watch­ing short movie about two vol­canos sep­ar­ated on the sur­face but con­nec­ted in the deep ♥ Today was rather hot, so when we came to this lake we were happy to go swim­ming and play­ing voley­ball in the water of the moun­tain lake. Then we had the Trust path right on the lake shore. So now we know each oth­er closer as the parts in a com­pleted puzzle. After this awe­some amuse­ment we went home and made sup­per by ourselves. Every­body enjoyed his own-made dish. In the even­ing we had group time to pre­pare our per­fo­mance for tomor­row Camp Open­ing Cere­mony. The day ended with home­like group candles.

The project-orienting camp in Munich