Inter­na­tion­al camp

July 19, 2017

The chil­dren from the 4th group really enjoyed the day. They said it was inter­est­ing and impress­ive. And this day was bet­ter than yes­ter­day for them.

Every­body enjoyed the big game, des­pite of rain and lots of wet shoes :) There were also some dis­ap­point­ments about the classes. Guys from the math have found out that solu­tions of their teach­er are much easi­er than when they are try­ing to solve its them­selves. But in gen­er­al every­body has fun and good impres­sions from classes: «Our teach­ers are MORE than cool!»

In the even­ing we met all togeth­er in the Big Hall for the camp Open­ing! The present­a­tion of the group seemed a little bit strange and stu­pid for us, but we all were cre­at­ing some­thing yes­ter­day even­ing and we all tried to cre­ate some­thing great to show. So we are expect­ing you appre­ci­ated it.

All of us agree that our team is the best :)

International camp
International camp