The pro­ject-ori­ent­ing camp in Munich

August 2, 2018

Hey, every­one! Today was our first full day in Munich. We are going to tell you how we spent it. In the morn­ing we woke up quite late, and then our amaz­ing day has star­ted. First of all, we went to the Gamelan museum where we could try dif­fer­ent music­al instru­ments. So we were play­ing as a unique, ancient orchestra…all togeth­er. Then we com­pleted a very inter­est­ing quest in groups and got to know a lot about icon­ic build­ings in the city cen­ter. In the even­ing we came back to GOROD and spent time with our groups and lead­ers. Every­body enjoyed this won­der­ful day and the way it marks a good start.

The project-orienting camp in Munich