Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the qual­i­fy­ing round

Dear par­ti­cipants of the Olympiad!

The qual­i­fy­ing stage of the Olympi­ad «For­mula of Unity» / «The Third Mil­len­ni­um» in math­em­at­ics (II level in the List of Olympi­ads of the RSOS) was held from Octo­ber 21 to Novem­ber 11, 2022. Rus­si­an school­chil­dren of grades 5–11 and school­chil­dren of the same age cat­egory from all coun­tries of the world were invited to par­ti­cip­ate. Par­ti­cipants of each grade received a set of 8 tasks and had to sub­mit detailed solutions.

4839 school­chil­dren from 26 coun­tries took part in the qual­i­fy­ing stage, includ­ing 3978 from Russia.

All res­ults are avail­able in per­son­al accounts of the Inform­a­tion Sys­tem. There is an oppor­tun­ity to file an appeal in your per­son­al account (the dead­line for accept­ing appeals is 23.59 Janu­ary 22 Moscow time). Please note that all appeals will be con­sidered no later than Janu­ary 24!

Appeals are accep­ted ONLY in your per­son­al account, where the jury will place the answer to your request.

The sum­mary table will be pub­lished on Janu­ary 27th.

We attach a file with solu­tions to the problems.

The final date is cur­rently being confirmed.