Final round

The final round of the Olympi­ad will be held between Feb­ru­ary 22 and March 1, depend­ing on the coun­try. The dur­a­tion of the round is 4 hours.

Both lists of loc­a­tions and par­ti­cipants were updated on  the 20th of Feb­ru­ary.  More details about loc­a­tions may be avail­able from loc­al organ­izers or by email (olimp@​formulo.​org).

It is strongly recom­men­ded to

check the list of loc­a­tions 1–2 days before the sched­uled date!

If you can­not reach the nearest place, write to us about it. We will try to find a more suit­able option with you. You can ask your math teach­er in advance if he/​she is ready to help you.