Final round

The final round of the Inter­na­tion­al Math­em­at­ic­al Olympi­ad «For­mula of Unity» / «The Third Mil­len­ni­um» will take place in many coun­tries in dif­fer­ent dates (between Feb­ru­ary 25 and March 4). The par­ti­cipants will be giv­en prob­lems for 4 hours.

List of sites (with date, time and address — updated on Feb­ru­ary 24)

The list of sites in Belarus, Kaza­kh­stan, Rus­sia, Ukraina, Uzbek­istan and Tajikistan is pub­lished on the Rus­si­an page.

Here is the full list of par­ti­cipants of the final round includ­ing the win­ners of the pre­vi­ous year:


The par­ti­cipants and organ­izers are kindly asked to check per­son­al data in the table includ­ing the names of edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions. In case of any mis­take or incom­plete­ness please inform the organ­izers as soon as pos­sible (olimp@​formulo.​org).