Res­ults of the final round

Here are the res­ults of the final round of the Olympi­ad «For­mula of Unity»/«The Third Mil­len­ni­um» 2015/16 after con­sid­er­ing all requests (res­ults of offi­cial participants):

Table of scores an dip­lo­mas (updated on May 31)

Par­ti­cipants from the grade R5 with 22 to 26 points will be awar­ded by Hon­or­able Men­tions of the Euler Foundation.

If you see any mis­take or incom­plete­ness in the per­son­al data, please report as soon as pos­sible to fdi-​tmj@​yandex.​ru.

All win­ners can receive con­sid­er­able dis­counts for par­ti­cip­a­tion in the Inter­na­tion Sum­mer Camp «For­mulo de Integreco». You can send all your ques­tions to  info@​formulo.​org.

Res­ults of unof­fi­cial par­ti­cipants (in oth­er words, par­ti­cipants of the par­al­lel 16th Olympi­ad «The Third Millennium»):

Res­ults of the 16th Olympi­ad «The Third Mil­len­ni­um» (updated on May 31)