Inter­na­tion­al camp in Losevo

Dates: July 1 — July 15, 2016
Main leader: Anna Lebedeva

In the remark­able place called «Recre­ation centre Parus» in the Len­in­grad Region, Rus­sia, an Inter­na­tion­al sum­mer camp of For­mula of Unity took place from July 1 to July 15. It was an anniversary for the For­mula and, of course, we wanted to make the year spe­cial. And so it was, thanks to the work of team lead­ers, teach­ers, and children.

To begin with, it was the first time when the major­ity of group lead­ers and assist­ant teach­ers were former train­ees of the For­mula: Elena Bur­lakova, Lyud­m­ila Ukrain­i­an, Mikhail Solokh­in, Vic­tor­ia Rebt­sovskaya, Maria Karlukova and our Span­ish friends — Miguel Campillo, Ant­o­nio Florez, Manuel Loja, Pedro Perez, and Enrique Calvo. They were assisted by group lead­ers who had also just gradu­ated our Ped­ago­gic­al school, though they had already worked in one camp: Arina Lap­ina, Valentina Ryazant­seva, Nat­alia Soldaeva, Alexei Gruntov, and Kir­ill Kochetov.

The pro­cess was mon­itored by the most exper­i­enced For­mula lead­ers: Ana­stas­ia Kov­tun, Nat­alia Glushkova, Alena Patrusheva, and Julia Loginova with the help of the seni­or lead­er Anna Lebedeva.

International camp in LosevoThere were also such great teach­ers as Pavel Mulenko (com­puter sci­ence), Galina Kov­tun and Alina Cheban­ova (journ­al­ism), Andrey Mereshchen­ko (chem­istry), Julia Pavlova (art), Julia Pet­rova (math­em­at­ics), Lub­ov Kore­shkova (math­em­at­ics), Andrei Kopchuk (math­em­at­ics), Miguel Angel Curto Rogado (math­em­at­ics), Cesareo Gon­salez (math­em­at­ics).

The par­ti­cipants came from Rus­sia, Israel, Ukraine, Esto­nia, Spain, the USA. A total of 63 chil­dren took part in this event.

The time was divided into 3 peri­ods: social, sci­entif­ic and cre­at­ive where each peri­od con­tained new games, quests, and col­lect­ive-cre­at­ive activ­it­ies, which are unique meth­ods and we are very proud of them.

International camp in LosevoDur­ing the social peri­od, we tried to talk with the par­ti­cipants about friend­ship, rela­tions, socially import­ant mat­ters. The sci­entif­ic peri­od was entirely devoted to the sci­ences. The most mem­or­able thing in this peri­od is the role-play­ing game «Night of the Trif­fids». The par­ti­cipants all togeth­er searched for a cure against blind­ness and both teams won by find­ing a doc­tor and listen­ing to his advice.

International camp in LosevoThe last peri­od was all about cre­ativ­ity. The days were filled with thoughts of music, theatre and lit­er­at­ure. Dur­ing this peri­od, most chil­dren cre­ated new theatres: a theatre of fire, pan­to­mime, back­stage theatre and oth­ers. After that, the par­ti­cipants had to impro­vise on stage: they played new roles, read poems with dif­fer­ent inton­a­tions, in oth­er words, tried acting.

International camp in LosevoAfter ask­ing a few group lead­ers, we have found out:

  1. what the most mem­or­able thing was dur­ing the camp,
  2. and what dif­fi­culties they encountered with.
  1. For some reas­ons I can’t recall any­thing spe­cial, everything was fine, at the same level.
  2. It was very dif­fi­cult to work with my part­ners because they were not com­pletely famil­i­ar with the meth­od­o­logy of our work :(

Nat­alia Soldaeva

  1. I think it was «The Day of Secrets and Mys­ter­ies», when every­one came up with some sort of a quest for anoth­er group. All chil­dren went crazy about it, all guys hap­pily did some­thing, inven­ted and cre­ated things. It was wonderful!
  2. For me, it was some­times dif­fi­cult to make guys do what had to be done and to com­mu­nic­ate in English.

Alexey Gruntov

  1. «Craftsmen’s City».
  2. It was dif­fi­cult to com­mu­nic­ate with the group, to keep calm.

Arina Lap­ina

  1. Activ­it­ies: the fair, per­form­ances, role-play­ing games.
  2. Lack of exper­i­ence, of know­ledge, of sleep :)

Mikhail Solokh­in

Dur­ing the camp we «sur­vived» some chem­ic­al exper­i­ments, one-and-a-half-hour lec­ture, even­ing shows… Every day was filled with new events and dis­cov­er­ies. I want to believe that the chil­dren remem­ber every day and this exper­i­ence helps them to have become a little bet­ter and to have learnt some­thing new about themselves.

International camp in Losevo

There were only 1 issue in English:

And 4 more in Russian:

The inter­na­tion­al camp ses­sion «For­mulo de Integreco» 2016

Camp «For­mulo de Integreco» is a won­der­ful time filled with moments of fun, friend­ship, self-con­fid­ence and pride. We cre­ate amaz­ing memor­ies that …