The pro­ject-ori­ent­ing camp in Munich

August 10, 2018

We were pre­pared to spend our day out­side, when we not­ised that it was rain­ing. So we con­tin­ued stay­ing at GOROD and had won­der­ful time with our pro­ject groups, mak­ing the final steps. In the after­noon we traveled back to Mari­en­plaz to par­ti­cip­ate in a pho­to­cross. It’s always inter­est­ing to walk and make pho­tos in the Old city cen­ter. And the best part: we had free time and the per­fect chance to see what we want in Munich. Finally, after present­ing our pho­to­crosses we had a last dance in this camp, fol­lowed by very spe­cial candle. We all hope that last day will end with smiles and tears on our faces.
The project-orienting camp in Munich