Inter­na­tion­al camp in Munich

August 4, 2017

Das ist fantastich!

First day of our small camp in GOROD was really hot not only because of high tem­per­at­ure, but because of happened events.

The first such event was the math­em­at­ic­al Olympi­ad, which divided us into three study­ing groups: Sub­way, Bus and Bicycle. After the lunch and inter­est­ing pro­files by choice, where for an our we could learn some­thing new about eco­logy, archi­tec­ture or socioeco­nom­ics, we walked to our favor­ite place — West Park. There we got known each oth­er a bit closer firstly all togeth­er (by play­ing some games), and then in groups by com­plet­ing the Path of Trust.

By the way, the Mafia took con­trol about the Path, so in the end we had to guess who of organ­izers was a usu­al cit­izen and who was mafia. Thank­fully, GOROD won :P

In the even­ing we pre­pared short per­form­ances for the camp open­ing and four teams were born: «Microwaves», «UR mom», «Eureka!» and «Enrique’s secret angels» :)

International camp in Munich
International camp in Munich
International camp in Munich