The pro­ject-ori­ent­ing camp in Munich

August 9, 2018

Today was quite hard, because we had a lot of time for work­ing with pro­jects. How­ever it was pretty funny and inter­est­ing to cre­ate some­thing new for the world. After hard­work­ing day we made water­battle: boys vs. girls, — and exactly at this time rain star­ted. It was so nice relax­ing moment, which gave us second breath for the evening.

After din­ner our pro­ject work did­n’t fin­ish, and we were pre­par­ing cre­at­ive per­form­ances about oth­er pro­ject groups’ top­ics. It was really funny and we had oppor­tun­ity to look at our ideas from the dif­fer­ent sides.

Day ended with won­der­ful candles, which were very import­ant for our souls.

The project-orienting camp in Munich