Inter­na­tion­al camp in Munich

August 5, 2017

The first day star­ted with a math les­sons, which the main top­ic was the graph the­ory. Then we were sur­prised because we had a trip to the Olympiapark and we all were really happy to go out­side. Spe­cial task was giv­en for each group, e.g. we had to count how many people live in the park, so we cheated a bit and asked loc­al work­ers about it :) At the end of our jour­ney we vis­ited the Olympi­ad vil­lage where a lot of Ger­man stu­dents live and work.

After com­ing back to GOROD and hav­ing tasty din­ner we united with a second group to com­plete our pro­ject about Olympiaparks’ tech­no­lo­gies. It was some new and use­ful exper­i­ence for us, because right after show­ing our present­a­tion we pre­pared a new per­form­ance in cooper­ate with anoth­er group.

It was a won­der­ful and excit­ing day, but now it is time for us to fall asleep, so…

Good night to everyone!

International camp in Munich

International camp in Munich