Rules of the Olympiad

Dear par­ti­cipants!
Please read the rules of the Olympi­ad to avoid errors in writ­ing your answers:

1. The first round of the Olympi­ad is in absen­tia and the answers are checked auto­mat­ic­ally, that is, a spe­cial pro­gram com­pares your answer with the cor­rect one, included in the pro­gram by the organ­izers. There­fore, to pre­vent pos­sible mis­un­der­stand­ings, care­fully read the instruc­tions and act in accord­ance with them.
All appeals for fail­ure to com­ply with the rules of the instruc­tions will not be considered.
2. All prob­lems provide an answer in the form of a num­ber or sev­er­al num­bers, for each of which a cor­res­pond­ing field is provided. Be care­ful and do not con­fuse the answer fields. If you insert the cor­rect answers in the wrong fields, the pro­gram will not accept them.
3. Spe­cify answers only as a decim­al frac­tion: XX,XXX… Use a comma (,) as a separator.
4. It is not neces­sary (pro­hib­ited) to insert units of meas­ure­ment, for­mu­las or any words in the answer.
5. If the prob­lem state­ment does not spe­cify the units to use for the answer, use SI units: meters, kilo­grams, seconds, etc.
6. Since all meas­ure­ments and cal­cu­la­tions in phys­ics are approx­im­ate, all answers must be giv­en with the cor­rect num­ber of sig­ni­fic­ant digits. For the rules of approx­im­ate cal­cu­la­tions, see the file «Rules of approx­im­ate cal­cu­la­tions». If there are zer­os after the required num­ber of sig­ni­fic­ant digits in an integer, this will not be con­sidered an error. Writ­ing the num­ber 34,0 (3 sig­ni­fic­ant digits) as 34 will be con­sidered an error.
7. You have 3 weeks to provide answers. Works sent later will not be considered.