Pre­lim­in­ary Final res­ults of the second round

The list (updated on April 6) con­tains the pre­lim­in­ary final res­ults of the second round. The award­ing cere­mony will take place on March 29 in the main build­ing of St. Peters­burg University.

The first sheet of this file con­tains the res­ults of all par­ti­cipants sor­ted by region, loc­al­ity, edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tion, class and last name. The fol­low­ing sheets include res­ults in sep­ar­ate grades sor­ted by score. In the column «Dip­loma» it is writ­ten the degree of the dip­loma or the let­ters «CA» denot­ing an hon­or­able mention.

This list does not include the res­ults of the par­ti­cipants who were dis­qual­i­fied for viol­at­ing the rules of the Olympics.

We kindly ask you to inform us about any errors in per­son­al data espe­cially if you won a dip­loma or a com­mend­able review.