Announce­ment of the Olympiad

There will be two rounds in the Olympi­ad. First round is by cor­res­pond­ence, the list of prob­lems in Rus­si­an and Eng­lish will be pub­lished on Octo­ber 25, 2012, the dead­line for send­ing solu­tions is Novem­ber 15. The date and the format of the second round will be announced after Novem­ber 20.

It is pos­sible to obtain the list of prob­lems and fur­ther announce­ments related to the Olympi­ad via email. To sub­scribe, please send a mes­sage with the sub­ject «Sub­scribe» to the address fdi@​imi.​ras.​ru; any fur­ther ques­tions related to the Olympi­ad, dis­tant math circle and sum­mer camp «For­mulo de Integreco» can also be sent to this e‑mail address.