Inter­na­tion­al Camp in Losevo

Dates: July 15 — July 31, 2013
Main leader: Anton Petrochenko

International Camp in LosevoThe second inter­na­tion­al multi-dis­cip­lin­ary camp «For­mula of Unity» was organ­ized by the Euler Found­a­tion with the great assist­ance of St. Peters­burg State Uni­ver­sity, and it took place from July 15 to July 31, 2013 in the recre­ation­al site «Parus» in the Len­in­grad Region. 83 school­chil­dren par­ti­cip­ated in the camp, 48 of them rep­res­en­ted Rus­sia, and the oth­ers were from Spain, Kaza­kh­stan, Croa­tia, Israel, Brazil and the United States. Almost all par­ti­cipants were 14–17 years old.

The camp was sponsored by:

  • St. Peters­burg State University,
  • The Dyn­asty Foundation,
  • Rus­si­an Ven­ture Com­pany OJSC

and three IT companies:

  • St. Peters­burg EMC Devel­op­ment Center,
  • Evelopers LLC,
  • «Total Objects» St. Petersburg».

International Camp in Losevo73 camp par­ti­cipants were divided accord­ing to their lan­guage and math skills into four groups. Their level was assessed with the Olympi­ad res­ults and a test which was held on the first day of the camp. The classes for the groups «English‑A» and «English‑B» were con­duc­ted in Eng­lish, but the «Russian‑A» and «Russian‑B» teams stud­ied in Rus­si­an. Some days passed, and then all stu­dents were giv­en the oppor­tun­ity to change the group. 10 chil­dren were in a human­it­ari­an group named «Eco­logy of com­mu­nic­a­tion». It was super­vised by Galina Vladi­mirovna Kov­tun from Krasnodar.

The Rus­si­an part of young math­em­aticians con­sisted mainly of the stu­dents who had suc­cess­fully com­pleted a dis­tance math­em­at­ic­al club «For­mula of Unity» at St. Peters­burg State Uni­ver­sity, as well as of the suc­cess­ful par­ti­cipants of the sim­il­ar pre­vi­ous camp. When stu­dents were invited to the club and the camp, the pri­or­ity was giv­en to chil­dren from small towns and rur­al areas, as they have few­er oppor­tun­it­ies for obtain­ing extra-cur­riculum math­em­at­ic­al education.

International Camp in LosevoThe camp cur­riculum con­sisted of 78 aca­dem­ic hours of classes. We had two days off with excur­sions to St. Peters­burg. Tra­di­tion­ally, solv­ing olympi­ad prob­lems is the main activ­ity for young math­em­aticians. And the main part of the course for the group «Russian‑A» had been cre­ated by I. Ibatulin.

Moreover, there was a num­ber of pop­u­lar lec­tures on vari­ous top­ics, which were con­duc­ted by St. Peters­burg scientists:

  • V. Fedotov,
  • M. Dvor­kin,
  • A. Minarsky,
  • as well as by V. Gaton and K. Ver­dun, the heads of the del­eg­a­tions from Val­lad­ol­id and Brazil.
  • F. Pet­rov also read a mini-course about ele­ments of num­ber theory.

International Camp in Losevo

One day six «math­em­at­ic­al fights» took place (this is a type of a tra­di­tion­al com­pet­i­tion between two teams of math­em­aticians). Par­ti­cipants were divided into 9 teams; three teams rep­res­ent­ing the «For­mula of Unity» com­peted with teams from anoth­er camp (Sum­mer Com­puter and Math­em­at­ic­al School), and the oth­er 6 teams — among themselves.

International Camp in LosevoThe life in the camp dur­ing the off-school time was organ­ized on the basis of I. Ivanov’s meth­od of col­lect­ive cre­at­ive edu­ca­tion; tutors from the ped­ago­gic­al group «Change» at Len­in­grad State Uni­ver­sity named after A. Pushkin organ­ized the work with this tech­nique, which is also called ped­agogy of com­mon con­cern. The par­ti­cipants were divided into 6 teams of 13–16 chil­dren of dif­fer­ent ages, dif­fer­ent nation­al­it­ies, dif­fer­ent classes. Every day the teams par­ti­cip­ated in col­lect­ive cre­at­ive activ­it­ies, which had usu­ally been developed by the par­ti­cipants them­selves at so-called «Case Coun­cils». At the even­ing «lights» (candles), the teams ana­lyzed their work, selec­ted new duty com­mand­ers, and dis­cussed their tra­di­tion­al cre­at­ive assignments.

In little peri­ods of free time, the chil­dren par­ti­cip­ated in a «task to choose» (an activ­ity that they inven­ted and organ­ized them­selves and the oth­ers could choose from a vari­ety of offered activ­it­ies), for example, lan­guage classes:

  • Rus­si­an lan­guage (for foreigners),
  • Eng­lish,
  • Span­ish,
  • Por­tuguese
  • and Esper­anto.

International Camp in LosevoThere were two days off with two excur­sions to the Peter and Paul Fort­ress, the Winter Palace, the Savior on Blood and St. Isaac’s Cathed­ral, as well as a boat trip along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg.

The group «Eco­logy of verbal com­mu­nic­a­tion» not only stud­ied but also pub­lished a newspaper.

The par­ti­cipants went home, plan­ning to meet again in the winter camp and next sum­mer, where we plan to organ­ize more dif­fer­ent classes. And some of the guys will be able to go to the camp to Spain, which will be organ­ized by the Uni­ver­sity of Seville next summer.

International Camp in Losevo

No doubts that the dearest memory of the camp was the T‑shirts. It is not so much the logo of the pro­gram that is import­ant, but all those friendly pleas­ant wishes that chil­dren left to each other.

International Camp in LosevoSports activ­it­ies were also in abund­ance: on the day of the Olympic Games, every­one played vol­ley­ball, foot­ball, fris­bee, board games and bas­ket­ball. The most pop­u­lar game was, of course, football.

With­in the frame­work of the camp, there was also a four-day sem­in­ar on the meth­ods of col­lect­ive cre­at­ive edu­ca­tion (CCE, KTD in rus­si­an), where the teach­ers who were accom­pa­ny­ing the del­eg­a­tions and the par­ti­cipants from dif­fer­ent Rus­si­an cit­ies par­ti­cip­ated. The sem­in­ar was held by Svet­lana Pla­tonova, the assist­ant pro­fess­or of Len­in­grad State Uni­ver­sity named after A. Pushkin, a mem­ber of the Makar­en­ko’s Commune.

International Camp in Losevo

Second Camp «For­mulo de Integreco»

This page is a copy of announce­ment from Euler­’s Found­a­tion web­site.

The Euler Found­a­tion and Saint Peters­burg State Uni­ver­sity announce the …