Inter­na­tion­al spring camp in Losevo

March 28, 2019

Dear Diary,

It’s our fourth day in camp, and of course amaz­ing. After wak­ing up and eat­ing break­fast we went to our classes and became busy with study­ing. Then we con­tin­ued our pro­jects as well. After that we star­ted a beau­ti­ful game called «Palka-Kopalka» that we had a chance to make our own inven­tions for the pro­gress of the new Utopia.

So we came up with our quizzes and did funny things in it just like cre­at­ing our own defin­i­tions for strange words. Then we star­ted our debates of two groups for and against the dragon of our life “death”. What do you think is that good to be immor­tal or not???

Finally after all these activ­it­ies we relaxed in our candles…