Dear Diary,
Today we had the last day in this past present time.
We were preparing projects for our Utopia for the last 5 day, so today was a presentation. People from mathematics, physics and linguistics group showed us what they were working on. All the projects were unusual and very interesting.
Then our Iranian friends left the camp. We all came to them to say goodbye. We gonna miss them!
We analyzed our camp in groups and with the whole camp.
Then we had a task to prepare a short movie from our groups. Each of groups had a part of the day (morning, afternoon, evening and night) and a genre. We had a lot of fun.
In the afternoon we were preparing our last performance about «utopian human». And then we had common saying goodbye, group candles and camp fire outside. All of them were fantastic!
The day was full of events, memories and emotions. Unfortunately, that’s the end of the camp and our adventure. Time to come back reality. We gonna miss our Utopia :(