2024 — 2025: Ecology

School stu­dents of grades 8–11 from Rus­sia and of equi­val­ent grades from all over the world are invited to participate.
Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the com­pet­i­tion is free. All school stu­dents can take part in the qual­i­fy­ing round and the win­ners of it are invited to the final round.

Con­tact us

You can send your ques­tions by e‑mail olimp.​eco@​formulo.​org.

Current status: The qualifying round began on February 9 and will last till February 24 (9 days left).

Chronology of events

All the news about the Olympiad are posted below from newest to oldest.

Announce­ment of the qual­i­fy­ing stage

January 26, 2025

Dear par­ti­cipants, we have a new Olympi­ad in eco­logy. The Olympi­ad is held in two stages, the first of which (qual­i­fy­ing) will be held in Feb­ru­ary, and the second (final) — on April 20, 2025.

The qual­i­fy­ing stage is held in absen­tia using dis­tance learn­ing tech­no­lo­gies. To par­ti­cip­ate, you need to register in your per­son­al account (no need to re-register). On the day of the Olympi­ad, all the neces­sary inform­a­tion will be sent to your e‑mail. The tasks will be pub­lished on Feb­ru­ary 9 (the day the Olympi­ad starts).

The final stage is held (usu­ally) in per­son at region­al venues.

The win­ners of the Olympi­ad will receive the right to a dis­coun­ted tick­et to the edu­ca­tion­al camps «For­mula of Unity», and will also be awar­ded valu­able prizes.