The pro­ject-ori­ent­ing camp in Munich

August 8, 2018

It was the day of dis­cov­er­ing beauty in places which were built in ancient times for future gen­er­a­tions and which inspired people a lot of years ago and still mak­ing us admire. Dur­ing the start of the day we’re decid­ing where should we go. Finally we’ve choosen to vis­it Nürn­berg. The city was just amaz­ing! Ancient castle, old hos­pit­al, won­der­ful build­ings, beau­ti­ful sculp­tures were sur­round­ing us while we had an inter­est­ing excur­sion in the city center.

We were try­ing to find more use­ful inform­a­tion about how the pro­jects were made in oth­er cen­tur­ies and how can we use it. So it was not only enter­tain­ing trip but also we did huge work for our pro­jects. We hope tomor­row will bring us same emo­tions and more inform­a­tion like that magic day!

The project-orienting camp in Munich