The pro­ject-ori­ent­ing camp in Munich

August 7, 2018

This day star­ted with a very heart­felt con­grat­u­la­tion of Alena, because it was her 16th birth­day. Then we went to the Munich uni­ver­sity — LMU, where we had a little excur­sion about the his­tory of it. Every­body enjoyed it. After we went to a beau­ti­ful uni­ver­sity church and walked through the Eng­lish garden where we could buy ice cream and wet our feet in the Isar river. After arriv­ing at home we con­tin­ued to work in our pro­ject teams and finally after din­ner we had the Birth­day Party. It was won­der­ful, there were a mir­acles’ show by magi­cian and many slow dances which every­one were enjoy­ing. Alena got a lot of presents today and went to bed very happy ♥

The project-orienting camp in Munich