The pro­ject-ori­ent­ing camp in Munich

August 11, 2018

The last day of our camp…it was really sad one, because every­one under­stood that we need to say good­bye to each oth­er so soon. In the morn­ing we fin­ished our pro­jects, pre­pared present­a­tions and made per­form­ances of our work. It was inter­est­ing to know how many import­ant things we could do for the world.
Then we went to Isar river, where the ana­lyse of the camp, photo ses­sion and just time for talk­ing were. Now we have a lot of nice pic­tures with friends.
The most emo­tion­al part of the day was in the even­ing dur­ing the clos­ing cere­mony, last candles in groups and com­mon good­bye. Almost every­one was crying…and this made us closer even more than we were before, because now we have so many import­ant moments togeth­er which we’ll not forget.

The project-orienting camp in Munich