Inter­na­tion­al camp in Munich

August 10, 2017

Today each group had a sep­ar­ated trip planned for the morn­ing. The kind of trip depended on the pro­ject we are devel­op­ing. For example, our group is work­ing on a school build­ing, so we went to the West­park area and saw a school and some play­grounds. Mean­while, Yuri explained us how all the build­ings were pro­tec­ted from the street noises. Then, back in GOROD Cen­ter, we con­tin­ued work­ing in our projects.

In the after­noon, we acted in some per­form­ances about cul­tur­al revolu­tions. Each per­form­ance was intro­duced with a little shad­ow theatre. Finally, in the even­ing, we had an unusu­ally funny city tour. It was full of inter­est­ing anec­dotes and jokes about Munich his­tory. All in all, it was a great day!

International camp in Munich
International camp in Munich
International camp in Munich
International camp in Munich
International camp in Munich